I’m an artist. I create images using traditional and digital tools and processes. I’m fancy enough to teach my competition about the same techniques I’ve mastered over the years.
Official studies
- Bachelor in Fine Arts, Universitat de Barcelona (2006)
- Master in Landscape Architecture, partially (UPC, 2006-08)
- Blender Foundation Certified Trainer (2013)
- CAP, certificate of teaching ability, issued by UPC (2007)
- Monitor on leisure activities for young people and children (2002)
- C2 level on catalan language
- drawing and compositional sense
- verbal communication, knowledge transmission
- analysis
- musical sense and natural tuning ability
Relevant things that I did:
- I’m collaborating since more than ten years ago with Barcelona Activa as the starter and teacher in the short courses about Blender basics and 3D technology taught in the Cibernàrium facilities.
- Between 2017 and 2023 I was teaching at high school, mainly in the Institut Pere Fontdevila, in the town of Gironella.
- I was chosen as one of the three participants in a residency program during july 2016, from the Medialab-Prado center in Madrid, with the project Puredata y Blender aplicados al mapping de pequeño formato.
- During the course 2018-19 I taught several courses within the CFGS d’Animació 3D, Jocs i Entorns interactius in INS La Mercè, in Barcelona. In 2015-16 and 2016-17 academic years I taught the Postproduction course from these same studies at ENTI school in Barcelona.
- I taught workshops and lectures in the Blender Conference in Amsterdam, in l’Escola del Treball, ACVIC, Telenoika, BlenderCAT, among other organizations and programs.
- I took part of professional production teams for mapping shows, with Telenoika, in Festival Internacional de Màpping de Girona, Urano Films and others, both in creative visual content production and in other more technical tasks such as 3D models and template creation for mapping (since 2012).
- I was finalist in second edition of the Festival Internacional de Màpping de Girona mapping contest (2015). With this mapping piece that you can watch here: http://vimeo.com/137706628
- I digitized and indexed the cinamtographic legacy from my grandfather (2015), providing myself with the knowledge and the means needed to make it possible. You can see some samples about this work here and here.
- In 2010 I was awarded with two different funds for artistic creation and research. One issued by CoNCA, with the Projecte de recerca i creació amb eines de programari lliure about visual creation with free software, and the other issued by Associació Cultural Telenoika for the Projecte Alfanhuí.
- I had many jobs, but I would like to underline my first one which was teaching painting to children when I was 17. This was in Traç, an arts and crafts school renowned in Barcelona where I also attended when I was a child.
Other relevant stuff:
In my Fine Arts studies:
- Analytical drawing in human figure. Osteology and Myology applied to artistic drawing. Taught by Teresa Llàcer Pellicer.
- Photography (Black and white lab) taught by Mar Redondo, History and theory about photography taught by Manolo Laguillo, and about photo studio, taught by Mariano Zuzunaga.
- I was assistant in practice in the Laboratori Mèdia (2004-05, 1000h.), where besides attention to the users and administrative work, I’ve learned about professional equipment and methods for (audio)visual production.
- I was also assistant in a graphic design studio in Sant Boi de Llobregat, Punto y Aparte (2006, 800h.) working with Macintosh. Here, in addition to usual graphic design tasks, I also learned about general concepts in media campaigns.
Languages and other stuff…
- Native catalan and spanish.
- French, learned on the school, I’m able to use it with a medium degree of fluency.
- English, self learned. I manage to understand and make people understand me.
- Driving license. Interest in the mechanichs and self maintaning of old cars, especially the Citroên Dyane.
- I play the guitar in an informal way since I was 12, and since around ten years ago, also the violoncello.